Monday 17 May 2010

Spicy Salami Beef Burger

Spicy Salami Beef Burger on Oak BBQ Plank

Making your own burgers is incredible easy and you are always guaranteed to get 100% pure beef burgers with no hidden ingredients. We have our own delicious recipe for burgers which can be cooked beautifully on BBQ Planks.

Oak is always the favourite for most people when cooking red meat but I prefer Beech because it gives a slightly sweeter flavour  and don't forget Cherry which adds a lovely natural fruity flavour. Cedar is the flavour to be careful with , it's spicyness can be overpowering with red meat but give it a try - you might like it !

All your normal BBQ food can be cooked on a BBQ Plank such as burgers and sausages but cooking on a plank guarantees that your food stays moist and tender, it can't burn or fall through the grill and there is no need to clean the grill after cooking, just scrub down your plank.

So whether you make or buy your burgers - they will taste delicious.



500g minced beef

6 spring onions, finely chopped
1 garlic clove, crushed
2 tsps chopped fresh coriander

1 egg

4 slices salami, finely chopped
salt and freshly ground black pepper

serves 8 burgers


Presoak your BBQ Plank for up to 2 hours in water and why not try adding some beer to the water for even more flavour. Mix all the minced beef, onion, garlic, coriander, salami, egg, salt and pepper in a bowl. With wet hands shape the mixture into evenly shaped balls then pat down to make patties.


Pre-heat your BBQ to a medium heat and place your burgers evenly spaced on your pre-soaked planks and onto your BBQ grill and close the lid. BBQ for about 10-15 minutes until cooked all the way through and serve.


Why not add some thinly sliced chilli to the burger mixture or bacon instead of salami ? If you like onion with your burgers then just cut up a large onion and steam cook next to your burgers.


If you want some melted cheese on your burgers then place a slice of cheese on your burger after you've turned your BBQ off, close the lid and wait until the cheese has melted.


Take a look at our website for more delicious food cooked on wood

Each BBQ is different and have different cooking times and temperatures, check your manufacturer's instructions for cooking guidelines.